Although copyright infringement isn’t okay, the current lawsuit, SABAM
(Société d’Auteurs Belge – Belgische Auteurs Maatschappij) is set
against Belgacom, Telenet and Voo. SABAM underlines that the named ISPs
are responsible for the reducing income of media sales.
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It seems as if the german sister of the IFPI finally makes life easier for online music stores.
The new contract foresees that for each music title a fee of 6 to 9 cents will be payable.
Also customers may profit from this contract as the preview snippets may now be 90
seconds in length instead of 30 seconds.
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Well… As you have probably noticed, my video from the lightshow
Rendez-Vous Bundesplatz 2011 in Bern may not be available to all users. The reason:
The Music industry, that wants to have control over everything that deals with music
and motion pictures. Sure… copyrights have to be saved… but this way?
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