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Xiaomi Mi 8 Pro – comes with Ads

As if ads and commercials on TV weren’t enough
already, buyers of Xaomi Mi phones with MIUI
will see “recommendations” all over the Android
environment. Luckily you can get rid of them.

The fact that you (for now!) can get rid of them quite easily without the need of rooting your device makes it less problematic as it sounds. But imagine if the company decides to disable these little switches to disable the ads pestering you all over where you go in Android.

Affected are the following system apps:

  • Mi File Manager
  • Cleaner
  • Mi Browser
  • Downloads
  • Mi Music
  • MIUI Themes
  • APK Installer
  • Security Scanning System

The instructions vary from the different Apps. You’ll need to perform 5 settings to disable them in all apps mentioned above:

  1. Mi File Manager
    1. Open Mi File Explorer
    2. Tap on hamburger menu at the top corner of the Mi File Explorer
    3. Go to Settings
    4. Look for the “Recommendations” option and turn it off

      Disable Advertising identifier:

    5. Go to Settings
    6. Then open “Additional settings”
    7. Then open “Privacy”
    8. Then open “Ad services”
    9. Look for “Use advertising identifier” and turn it off

      Disable Ads in the MIUI Security app:

    10. Open “Security”
    11. Then open “Security Settings”
    12. Look for “Receive recommendations” and turn it off
  2. Cleaner
    1. Open “Security”
    2. Then open “Security Settings”
    3. Tap on “Cleaner”
    4. Look for “Receive Recommendations” and turn it off
  3. Mi Browser
    1. Open the Mi Browser app
    2. Open “Settings”
    3. Then open “Advanced”
    4. Tap on “Card Setting”
    5. Look for “Recommend for you” and turn it off
    1. Open Downloads app
    2. Tap on the “…” in the right corner
    3. Open “Setting”
    4. Look for “Show recommended Content” and turn it off
  5. Mi Music
    1. Open the Mi Music app
    2. Open “Settings”
    3. Open “Davanced settings”
    4. Look for “Recommendations” and turn it off
  6. MIUI Themes
    1. Open MIUI Themes app
    2. Open “Profile”
    3. Open “Settings”
    4. Look for “Show advertisements” and turn it off
  7. APK Installer and Security Scanning System
    1. Launch the installer with the tap on any .apk file
    2. Wait for the installation to finish
    3. Now a Security Scanning System screen will open
    4. Tap on the gear symbol in the top right corner
    5. Look for “Receive Recommendations” and turn it off

That’s it. Now your Mi Phone should be almost ad-free in it’s system environment.

Imagine that it’s now essential to do these steps to keep your phone tidy from ads outside so-designed apps.
Come on Mi, you should know better than that! Even people in India aren’t that stupid not to be pissed off by unwanted ads, especially when they flood system(!) apps. They pay you valuable money for your hardware.

September 22, 2018 Netspark - 1602 posts - Member since: May 9th, 2011 No Comments »

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