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Blizzard Entertainment got hacked

Once happened to Sony Entertainment, now happened to Blizzard. Hackers have
gained access to many credit card information as well as encrypted passwords,
e-mail addresses and full names. Also, the security question for recovering the
account information is target of the Hackers. Blizzard has acted instantly.

As Blizzard stated, mostly accounts of Nort America have been affected where passwords have been read out and also the key pair for the mobile authenticator. Blizzard alread brought out a guide how to secure the account again: read here.

Blizzard already has started investigation together with the FBI and will take the maximum prosecution level of this security infringement and data theft.

If you feel affected by this, you’d better change your password and security question. Furthermore keep an eye on your credit card bill for any unusual transaction.

August 13, 2012 Netspark - 1602 posts - Member since: May 9th, 2011 No Comments »

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