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Don’t leave your dog’s poo back!

Dog poo can be very annoying. In most citis there’s no obey to clean the
dogs’ poo away. So if you’re not watching your step carefully, you’ll find
yourself stepping into dog poo. Smelly and not very comfy feeling! Also
the smell ain’t charming the nose! Time for revenge.

Seems, this snotty lady in her very expensive luxury car with her little carpet rat didn’t see the blonde coming who is annoyed of the dong’s leavings and was surprised, when the blonde starts arguing about how to dispose properly of the dong’s poo. As there’s little understanding from the brunette, followed by some wild and hefty discussion, the blonde took instant action. But watch for yourself.

My recommendation: Don’t try to argue with someone who is willing to take action. Better follow the prompt to clear the dong poo or get away as quick as possible!

By the way, this happened somewhere in Russia.

July 12, 2012 Netspark - 1600 posts - Member since: May 9th, 2011 No Comments »

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