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Apple’s A13 Bionic chip from TSMC?

It seems as if the new A13 boinic chip for the upcoming iPhone
models will again be manufactured by TSMC. This, because TSMC
is the only chip foundry that can produce reliably using the 7nm
process where other foundries still aren’t able to yield 10nm stable!

So again it’s a question if TSMC will be able to keep to the roadmap of Apple where they want to release the iPhone XI in Q4 2019.

While the Xs, Xr and new iPads had a simple chip update (but with massive performance boost!), the A13 boinic chip will have to cope with a more complex FaceID recognition algoriithm thjat shall prevent phone unlocking by using 3D-printed masks. Instead, the new FaceID system should also be able to recognize even the slightest muscle change and even be able to detect finest skin structures which also follow the muscle movement (and thus a sign of vividness). All that will definitely require a more-detailed FaceID IR matrix emitter with more than 30k dots all over the grid. Maybe Apple is trying to improve the IR emitter to 120K dots which would allow a double-density grid then.

Some sources also say that the new IR emitter should even be capable of projecting a 480K dot matrix on your face which would be quadruple the resolution of today’s FaceID IR emitter. But with all this massive improvement, the Bionic unit in the A13 chip would also have to improve it’s calculation power and/or precision.

So let’s see what Apple is going to bring up later this year with the usage of 7nm lihography.

February 11, 2019 Netspark - 1597 posts - Member since: May 9th, 2011 No Comments »

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