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Large images, size and the solution

Big images can become a challenge for older computers,
slim internet lines and mobile devices. Yet do we want to
show you images that are of very large scale, say 16MP
and up. We found a way to do so now with DeepZoom!

We’re proud to announce that we can deliver even Gigabit-Images to you now without any big impact on your internet connection. DeepZoom allows the tile-based reload of image segments (the ones that are visible and some around them) and thus reduces the total amount significantly. Also it reduces the load on your computer’s CPU!

If you’re interested in how to create DeepZoom images and the archive structure, let us know in the poll at the end of this post and if there’s a certain demand, we will create a tutorial for you to have your DeepZoom Images in conjunction with the Zoom OpenSeadragon WordPress plugin created for your own blog or website based on WordPress.

Initially it looks complicated but when you know how to deal wit the tools, it will be a breeze to prepare huge image files for display on your website/blog.

But first enjoy some examples which are quite large:

Pillars Of Creation - © Hubble Space Telescope

Pillars of Creation Nebula – 48MP (6780 x 7071 pixels)

Sombrero Galaxy - © Hubble Space Telescope

Sombrero Galaxy – 74MP (11472 x 6429 pixels)

Andromeda Galaxy - © Hubble Space Telescope

Andromeda Galaxy – 1546MP (69536 x 22230 pixels)

Westerlund 2 Nebula - © Hubble Space Telescope

Westerlund 2 Nebula – 60MP (8919 x 6683 pixels)

Triangulum Galaxy - © Hubble Space Telescope

Triangulum Galaxy – 665MP (34372 x 19345 pixels)

All images are from here:

Aletschgletscher - ©John Fowler

Aletschgletscher, Switzerland – 84MP (12858 x 6534 pixels)

Especially the Andromeda Galaxy image with it’s Gigapixel dimension would take 4.3GB to download. Most computers wouldn’t be able to handle this massive file in one piece.

So from now on if we find any larger images that are worth being shown here, you’ll be able to zoom into them and enjoy them without crashing your computer or mobile device.


Would you like to see a tutorial on how to embed DeepZoom Images?

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January 11, 2019 Netspark - 1598 posts - Member since: May 9th, 2011 No Comments »

Rockbottom!Very badBadAverageGoodVery goodAwesome! (1 votes, average: 7.00 out of 7)
FILED UNDER :Computer , Nature , Science , Technology , Thoughts
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