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White christmas? Not in Switzerland!

We all know it from our childhood: Christmas was
often the time where we looked forward to fool
around in the snow. But with ongoing time the
temperatures were no longer allowing snow.

The last white christmas was in 2013 where exactly for christmas a cold breeze brought us temperatures below zero degrees and with the rather humid air from the south we were expecting a lot of snow those days. But then the weather changed quickly and on new year’s eve, temperatures rose above 10 degrees.

It’s odd to be out on a winter day and a rather warm breeze is touching you, let alone the rain that makes you feel everything but christmas or wintertime.

Although I usually hate cold weather or having to stay out for long when it’s so darn cold I still would appreciate to see snowflakes come down and cover the streets in white. Just the way we used to know.

But since the average temperature rose about 4 degrees from 1980 to 2018 I guess the days where we will see white christmas are counted by now. And even winter days (days where the temperature falls below minus 5 degrees and stays at that level) are rare nowadays.

Although climate change is still just seen as a virtual phenomenon and the world still not taking enough counter measurements to fight global warming, it is odd to see that we have some years where temperature falls below minus 10 degrees even where it was warmer in the past. So maybe we’re worrying too much about global warming. Who knows. But nevertheless glaciers don’t lie and their retraction from the lower mountain levels speak for themselves.

Also the reduction of the antarctic ice shelf is worrying. One of the most freightening things is athat the sea below the eternal ice is holding back millions of tonnes of methane. If that comes back to the surface, well then we might have a big problem because methane is 300 times stronger impact to the ozone layer than all currently known ozone layer degrading gases.

Well… we can only try to slow down the heating process of our planet. But scientists say that it is 99.8% impossible to stop the process entirely. Analysts say that the earth may become uninhabitable on the equatorial zones by 2050. and guess what happens if people living there are pushed away from their natural living spot due to searing heat and almost no rain…

December 23, 2018 Netspark - 1601 posts - Member since: May 9th, 2011 No Comments »

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