Home upgrade gone wrong
Normally an innovative way to protect a home from heavy
storm and flood. That’s why in some regions where flood
is an issue, houses are built on stilts. The same concept was
used by a homeowner in Milford, Connecticut.
Normally an innovative way to protect a home from heavy
storm and flood. That’s why in some regions where flood
is an issue, houses are built on stilts. The same concept was
used by a homeowner in Milford, Connecticut.
What to do with defective washing machines? Dump ’em, right? – WRONG!
You can have some fun with them even if they’re no longer suitable for
washing. Maybe trying to render them absolutely unusable by, say,
washing stones… not the small ones, of course…
Ain’t no good day for Serena Williams as she got kicked out of the
tournament by a 19-years-old player. When she lost the game, she decided
to destroy her racket. Seems as if she can’t cope with losses. A dropout in
a tournament is annoying, sure, but short tamper is not the right path!
I hate grey days. They make me somewhat depressive! So here’s some
video stuff for you to sweeten the week’s start although weather appears to
be grey and cold. That’s autumn! The steps to wintertime aren’t far away any-
more. I am interested to see how much snow this year may come down (if any).