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Graphics cards cheaper?

This news might be good for Gamers: The sales for
desktop graphics cards have reduced by approx. 30%
as cryptocurrency mining is not very appealing any-
more. Their value has dramatically reduced.

Yet it seems as if NVidia is going to reach new records in pricing when you look at the soon-to-be-released RTX 2070, 2080 and 2080 Ti. Up to 1400 US$ – that’s the price tag for the 2080 Ti will be necessary. If we look back at the MSRP for the 1080 Ti where you had to shell out 1000 US$ (and that’s already an enormous price!) the raise is another whopping 40%.

Quo vadis, nVidia? Not everyone wants to do Cryptomining but rather enjoy Raytracing games in their full glory. Yet the pricetag may stop a lot of customers from buying the new cards as they’re just overpriced.

Good for AMD though as their cards are way cheaper and it’s just a matter of time when these cards will also be able to deliver real raytracing content at reasonable framerates.

Well let’s see how the 30% sale decrease will affect nVidia about their pricing scheme. Maybe these cards wll become cheaper in no time in order to raise the level of sales again! This autumn will become interesting, let alone christmas time!

September 3, 2018 Netspark - 1598 posts - Member since: May 9th, 2011 No Comments »

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