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When trains are very close…

Ever wondered what it looks like when a train
is close to your home or even passing a market?
In asian countries this is common. The following
videos may give you an idea what it looks like!

The first video shows Mae Klong Market in Bangkok:

People are already well coping with the train passing by every two hours or so and they put all their stuff and roofs aside to make way for the train.

Another scenery is in Vietnam. A train passes by at homes so closely that it looks almost surreal:

Yet people seem to have no problem with the train passing by so close at all.

The last video is another scenery in Hanoi where a train passes a very narrow street. The home’s balconies are so close to the train that you might think they scratch the train…

August 25, 2018 Netspark - 1594 posts - Member since: May 9th, 2011 No Comments »

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