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Microsoft got the green flag for Nokia

nokiaSo… finally the US cartel authority has given green lights for Microsoft to
take over Nokia’s cellphone business. With a total sum of 3.6 billion US$
and additional 1.45 billion US$ for patents held by Nokia today, the deal
is also okay for the european cartel authority in Brussels.

Nokia grants the rights for Microsoft to use the brand “Nokia” a little furter while Nokia is now being seen as Equipment partner for wireless and cell networks. This alliance might give Nokia the new glamour it once had with it’s legendary cell phones that lasted for nearly 20 years now.

But there’s one BIG question: Will Microsoft be able to fill the footprints Nokia has left and lead upcoming “Microsoft”-branded devices to the success Nokia once had?

So while rumors were out that the Lumia 1520 would most likely be the last phone that’s Nokia-branded, it seems as if we will see more Nokia-branded cell phones in the future until Microsoft decides to take down the Nokia Brand in total and label their smartphones and cell phones entirely “Microsoft”

December 4, 2013 Netspark - 1602 posts - Member since: May 9th, 2011 No Comments »

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