Around the USA in 5 minutes
Not less than 55 days, 12.255 miles, and over 200’000 pictures later,
a so-called time-lapse video showing a roundtrip from New York (NY)
south to Florida (FL) then west to California (CA) north to Washington (WA) and
then east back to New York has been made up. Travel the USA in 5 minutes!
This interesting video shows the different states (32 in number) when driving thru them on the road. The trip was made from August to October 2011. Not much is known about the reason why Brian Defrees took the nearly 2 months long trip and making possibly one of the longest timelapses currently available.
Yet it is nice to see the different climatic zones and the different land styles of all the parts of the USA. Definitely worthwile to watch! Enjoy!
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