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CES 2013 – Memory gone smaller – again!

So, the CES allows us to see what we will get in the next year. Even in the
computing sector we have new things to expect. Kingston, known for
memory chips finally brings out a 1TB memory stick to carry a whole bunch
of data around with you. Although the price tag of over 1’000 US$ is high…

the stick is not much more expensive as a same-sized SSD drive. Equipped with a USB3.0 interface, files are transferred with speeds up to 240MB/s to the stick and from the stick.

With that speed the stick is filled in about 1hr05m if the stick can provide 240MB/s all over. But I personally expect that the speeds may come down to a mere 30-50MB/s as soon as there are small files to be transferred.

With a size of 88x26x21mm this stick ain’t that small but a same-size SSD isn’t small either.


When we think back 5 years, the biggest sticks had a capacity of a mere 2Gb and were speeding up to 2 to 5 MB/s and thus also not much faster to fill.

Sticks that offered 4 or even 8GB in sizes were pricetagged at up to 500 US$ and thus also very expensive.

When we do price checks today, 32GB are the average size and the price is around 50 US$ depending on what you want to have.

But the typical price for 32GB USB3.0 are around 50 US$, 64GB can also be shot for around 70 US$ and if you require 128GB or more, the price tag goes up to 300 US$

The 512GB variant of the Stick on the left goes for about 800 USD, which is a real hefty price tag.

It’s just a matter of time until many manufacturers go for the 1TB memory border and the prices will then drop as fast as these sticks can shovel the files onto them ;)


January 9, 2013 Netspark - 1594 posts - Member since: May 9th, 2011 No Comments »

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