ALL-INKL.COM - Webhosting Server Hosting Domain Provider

We’re back for good!

It was a long time since you last have read from our team!
We’re sorry for that if you expected regular updates from
us as we used to post daily for your reading needs about
tech stuff and other news that might be of interest.

As you might have noticed already, we have cut back ourt service here due to COVID-19 which has and still is keeping the world un attention as the virus still isn’t under full control. Lockdowns have been made worldwide in order to keep the outbreak to a minimum.

Since we also had to obey to the lockdown, the consequence was clear. All updates have come to a standstill until the normal day rythm could take place again.

Anyhow, we’re now back and we used the time off to do some optimizations to the blog to make it even faster and reliable.

A severe problem was the response time. We found out some plugins have gone coco cabana and stalled the processing of the entire blog. We ruled out every plugin that was subject to cause these problems and now the speed should have improved by far!
It’s no fun if the REST API has to wait 10 seconds for a response then failing. Reason for that was the WCP WEather Widget which seems to have been outdated anyways. Now we have implemented a new weather widget which however does not show beautiful Bern but on the other hand works perfectly as designed.

Another issue was the missing HTTPS compliance. We have now switched to HTTPS and everything’s secure now! This also meant the sacrifice of some functionality. For one thing the CUFON font substitution does no longer take place. The advantage that CUFON-styled text was beautiful to look at however caused the marking feature to fail. Now text marking is available again and the text still has beautiful effects. Also the used fonts are now natively implemented and scale well even if using large zoom states. We tried to make the feature compatible with all known devices and browsers so far. However very old browsers and machines might tend to fail to render the text the way it should look like. Hence we recommend you to use actual devices or browser versions in order to experience the web in a safe way.

Our focus will be in the ulimative compatibility and stability of the site thus eliminating every single point of failure plugins and widgets are causing. Some of these radical yet necessary changes might also affect the usability or look’n’feel of the site. We apologize for any inconvenince this may cause but still point to the aspect of security, safety and stability of the entire site wherever possible.

Thank you for your great support in the form of feedbacks and recurring visits. We appreciate every feedback from you and look into every one of it to make this site as great as it always was and is.

Stay safe and healthy! Don’t tease your luck with COVID-19!

August 8, 2020 Netspark - 1594 posts - Member since: May 9th, 2011 No Comments »

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