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Why deep autumn makes depressive!

You all know this. It’s around mid of November and the environment
starts to be everyday in grey. Cold temperatures of about 5
degrees, fog, moist and slippery sidewalks make you wanna
sleep all day long. Also it’s the time where the most projects run.

So why am I writing this? Because I am one of those who have the most power during summer where long days and sun keep you on being active for quite some time.

For me, autumn is still a nice season anyways. But the grey weather is applying some sort of depression on me. Winter itself is the quiet season when the snow is covering the landscape in pure, sleepy innocent white and life on the streets reduces significantly. Also the daylight time is only 7 to 8 sun hours (in Summer it’s twice that time!) which means, you get up for Work in the dark and you return home when it’s dark again.

Let’s see if we get white Christmas and a white winter… At the moment it doesn’t look like it as it is still too warm.

November 14, 2011 Netspark - 1594 posts - Member since: May 9th, 2011 No Comments »

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