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-98°C – Turn on the furnace, please!

Ever wondered about what the lowest temperature on
Earth can be? It seems as if AGU (Advancing Earth and
Space Science) has found the answer to that question!
While we know that 1984 the lowest temperature was…

-89.2°C (-129°F) measured at Vostok Station in Antarctica (air temperature), the new measure method was measuring -98°C (temperature on ice surface) at a glacier with 3800 to 4050 metres elevation above sea level. So given that temperature the scientists say that the air temperature might be at -94°C±4°C (-137°F±6°F) which would mean that the temperature of the air would range betwen -90°C (-130°F) and -98°C (-144°F).

Vostok Station – the coldest place on earth

If you’re outside, exposed skin parts would already freeze at -50°C (-58°F) and an exposure to that temperature for more than half an hour would lower your chances to survive below 10%! So imagine what -98°C do mean to someone being exposed to such low temperatures.

Although the measurement method captured over 100 events with temperatures at -98°C at these regions, the record as such has not been accepted, meaning that the Vostok station record from 1984 is still the official deep freeze record on earth ever measured.

If you’re interested, you might want to read the full story here:

Oh and if you’re freezing, you might think of the place with the highest temperature:

Furnace Ranch Creek – the hottest place on earth

Not less than 56.7°C (134°F) has been measured here on July 10th, 1913 – not comfy either but luckily it’s not a regular thing to pass by and make our life uncomfortable.

There are several more records to look at. This site has them all listed:

June 30, 2018 Netspark - 1594 posts - Member since: May 9th, 2011 No Comments »

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