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Non-suitable Halloween costumes

Al_Bundy_WeirdThere are costumes that shouldn’t be worn. No matter, where! Especially
when it’s about a sensitive subject where many, and I mean MANY,
people could be pissed off when seeing that. In this case, two british girls
from Chester slithered tremendously from fame into shame.

The two girls couldn’t have chosen a more failing subject for their Halloween costumes. The fact that they even posted that on twitter as their costumes got nominated as a winner costume even poured more oil into the fire. When the world’s attention was pulled, the Sun did not hesitate to make it a big deal.

Possibly not the best subject to choose for a Hallowen costume…
(Amber L. und Annie C. costumed as burning twin towers)

However the club owner and the jury have chosen it to be the best costume of the evening and honored that with a £150 shopping voucher.

The result was the immediate deletion of the twitter accounts, the girls until then have used and they regretted for the chosen subject.

NotAGoodHalloweenCostume2…and the Sun underlined that immediately!
(The Sun – November 8th, 2013)

Well, a little late and short-minded besides the fact that the costume is extremely distasteful and a big slap in the face of the surviving dependants, if you ask me. It is clear that you shouldn’t make fun of the deaths of thousands and then also get a prize for that. The club however didn’t seem to be too affected of this. A statement was not given to date. I wonder if the girls now have to fear not to be able to travel to the USA again.

November 8, 2013 Netspark - 1594 posts - Member since: May 9th, 2011 No Comments »

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