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iOS7 – A milestone or the reply on WP8?

iOS7It has arrived – iOS7 – The new major release of Apple’s mobile OS has finally
approached. A new, sleek design, probably remembering many of Android is
replacing the dusty old iOS look. Although the old iOS still looks good, it’s
time to change. Inny and outy, that is!

So Apple has fallen in love with a much brighter design. White is now mostly dominating the iOS surface and glassy effects make you remember Windows Aero of Vista/Seven

But let’s have a sneak peek onto the new iOS7



Easily files can now be shared between iDevices in the same WLAN network if they’re nearby. For those who are sharing lots of pictures, this feature might come in handy. Apps, like bump,WiFi Photo transfer and others might become obsolete now!


Safari Webbrowsing

While the old browser was quite bulky and slow-behaving, the new re-vamped Safari offers a Coverflow-like tab switching, allowing you to find your page, while having the others still in view. The old browser allowed to see 3 to 4 micro pictures to se at once

If the speed of the browser and the HTML5 compatibility have improved, is still not known – Safari under iOS6 has scored 386 points – a good score already but vastly loosing against Blackberry OS 10 which scores 485 points.



More sleek, more simple, just like the Android and Windows Phone version. Can be good and resorce-saving yet it might look dull to others.


Control Center

Available to jailbreak users already, Apple has now also included the ability to control your phone’s integrated peripherals without the need of switching to the Settings app anymore. Why did it take so long for Apple to include these features anyways?


iTunes Radio

STreaming internet radio on the iPhone which became available for Android and Nokia some time ago already? At leaqst, Apple did now recognize that content on demand is also an important market. Denying it and tieing it down to a combination of desktop computer and iTunesw store is no longer the winning team.

Streaming radio everywhere and anytime is the new time of media consumption of our upcoming generation!



The E-Mail client got lighter and sleeker, too! Finally it’s possible to check the mails much more conveniently without switching between the single mailboxes anymore. Also tagging, deleting and other editing functions are now at the thumb’s reach. An intuitive improvement long needed!



Probably used by lots of smartphone users, is the messaging centre. Adapting to the flat design of iOS 7, there was not much of a change here. But hey, why improve what’s already good.


Multitasking (True one!)

FINALLY! The true essential multitasking, allowing the run of several and most-used apps at once! As the multitask manager also works adaptive, it tries to “learn” when you start which application or how long you use specific applications and keeps them up and running in the background for instant start and actuality while other apps are put into hbernation. This way, Apple thinks it can expand the battery runtime much more while still allowing for a better application management.

Swiping left or right allows also switching between the different open apps.


New Camera app

The camera app has also undergone a refurbish. Adapting also to the flat design of iOS 7, it now offers a square photo design for avatars (for example) or profile pictures. The second new option is a panoramicphoto shooting option making panoramic apps obsolete or at least held back for reconsideration.


New Photo Gallery app

The photos are now stored by date also and thus easier to be found and shared with one tap. Have a specific day for instance shared with just one finger tap.


Siri revamped

Siri is now even more powerful and got some more additions for giving you information about your questions. Even Wikipedia and Google are now considered as source of information. For searches, Siri is even accessing Bing search engine, what’s really puzzling as Apple usually didn’t want to access Microsoft services that much.

Also, Siri’s voice is now much more natural and Siri has become the availability to control phone functions such as regulating the screen brightness or switch on the different peripherals of the phone. A feature that however might allow for unwanted secret access to your device…


The new Weather app

Gone is the static icon for the weather status. A bit orienting on the Weather+ app which uses videos as weather feedback, Apple seems to follow a similar way. Yet I personally find eWeather HD and Weather+ somewhat more eyecandy!

So while the iOS7 seems promising, it’s a bit confusing that Apple seems to follow on Android’s and Windows Phone’s traces to become modern. The inny part of iOS7 however is thrilling and exciting to be seen and tested.

As Apple plans to release iOS7 in autumn 2013, it is not yet known if it’ll be just released for iPhones or also for the other iDevices.

June 12, 2013 Netspark - 1594 posts - Member since: May 9th, 2011 No Comments »

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