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Samsung vs. Apple – Next chapter!

The Fight, Apple vs. Samsung (or vice versa) is going into the next round.
As Samsung has officially stated that they plan to force a sales-ban in
South Korea, the chances are good for a bloody fight. It seems, that
revenge is a nice tool for Samsung as Apple has recently done likewise!

In this article, Samsung states that Apple has also violated patents, Samsung is holding. It is about the wireless technology, that even the iPhone 5 relies on badly.

As Apple has banished the Samsung Galaxy Tab from sale in Europe, Samsung is going to ban the new iPhone 5 in South Korea. Yet I wonder if this will itch Apple in any way as South Korea is a rather small market. But I guess, Samsung will spread the sales ban to other countries as well. What I wonder about is, that Samsung hasn’t done likewise with the iPad 2, is it also able to make use of 3G and WiFi. And even the “old” iPhone 4 does so.

Is it just jealousy or the pure wrath about the sales ban from Apple against Samsung’s Galaxy Tab?

Maybe we’ll never know for sure as this behavior is simply blocking new technology and gadgets from us. Be it a Samsung Galaxy Tab or an Apple iPhone 5.

This more and more ridiculous behavior will only make both companies suffer from bad reputation. And it will cost them both lots of dough!

September 19, 2011 Netspark - 1594 posts - Member since: May 9th, 2011 No Comments »

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